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Plant Growth And Development.

All the study, care, and expenditure described are
 to get ready for the two effects from which your garden is to spring, in ways so deeply retired that centuries of the closest observation have failed to reveal their inner workings. 
Those two are seeds and plants.
The plat in your garden will have been started under glass from seed, so that, laterally, everything depends on the seed. 
Good seeds, and true, you must have if your garden is to attain that loftiest success which should be our end. 
Seeds vary greatly and veritably much more so than the freshman has any generality of. 
There are three rudiments; 
if seeds fail in any one of them, they will be rendered next to useless. 
First, they must be true; named from good types of stock and true to name; also they must have been good, strong, rotund seeds, full of life and gathered from healthy shops; and eventually, they must be fresh.
It's thus of vital significance that you land the stylish seeds that can be had, anyhow of cost. 
Poor seeds are dear at any price; you can not go to accept them as a gift. 
It is, of course, insolvable to give a rule by which to buy good seeds.
The following suggestions will put you on the safe track. 
Purchase only some dependable correspondence- order house; don't be tempted, either by convenience or stinginess, to buy the gaily lithographed packets displayed in grocery and tackle stores at planting time-- as a rule, they aren't dependable; and what you want for your good plutocrat is good seed, not a cheap essay. 
buy seedsmen who make a point of growing and testing their seeds. 
To, begin with, buy from several houses and weed out the bone which proves, by factual results, to be the most dependable. Another good plan is to buy seeds of any particular variety from the establishment that makes a leading specialty of it; in numerous cases, these specialties have been introduced by these enterprises and they grow their inventories of these seeds; they will also be surer of being true to name and class. 
Good plants are, in proportion to the quantities used, just as important as a good seed-- and of course, you can not go to lose weeks of theater utility by growing entirely from seeds sown outside. Beets, cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, and for effective gardening, also onions, sludge, melons, celery, lima sap, cucumbers, and squash will all begin their joyful trip toward the gardener's table several weeks before they get into the garden at all. 
They will each be started under glass and have attained a good, cheap, growing size before they're placed in the soil we have so precisely prepared for them. 
It's coming too insolvable to describe a" good" vegetable factory, but he who auditoriums will come soon to distinguish between the healthy, short-concerted, deep- multicolored food factory which is ready to take hold and grow, and the soft, squooshy( or too succulent) drawn- up the growth of shops that have been too important cockered, or suppressed, weakened samples which have been abused and starved; he will learn that a dozen of the former will yield further than fifty of the ultimate. 
plants may be bought by the florist or requested gardener. 
However, If so. they should be named, some time ahead, and get some many days before demanded setting out, so that you may be sure to have them duly" hardened off," and in the right degree of humidity, for broadcasting, as  You can also be sure of having stylish plants in exactly the amounts and kinds you want. 
They will also be on hand when conditions are just right for setting them out. 
For the ordinary garden, all the plants demanded may be started successfully in hothouses and cold frames. 
The person who has had no experience with these has generally an inflated idea of their cost and of the skill needed to manage them. 
The skill isn't as much a matter of expert knowledge as of careful regular care, daily. 
Only a many twinkles a day, for many pictures, but every day. The cost need be but little, especially if one is a bit handy with tools. 
The girdle which serves as the cover, and is removable, is an important part of the structure. 
The girdle may be had, ready glazed and painted, and with care, they will last ten or indeed twenty times, so you can see at formerly that not a veritably big increase in the yield of your garden will be needed to pay interest on the investment. Or you can buy the girdle unglazed, at a proportionately lower price, and put the glass in yourself if you prefer to spend a little further time and lower plutocrat. 
Still, if you aren't familiar with the work, and want only many cinctures, I would advise copping the finished composition.

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