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How To Protect Plants From Enemies?


I use the term" styles of fighting" rather than the further usual one, " remedies," because by both experience and study I'm more and more convinced that so long as the marketable fields of husbandry remain in the present unorganized condition, and so long as the gardener-- home or else-- who cares to be disregardful and therefore come to a breeder of all feathers of factory pests, is allowed so to do-- just so long we can achieve no remedy worth the name. 

When speaking of a remedy in this connection we veritably constantly are putting the wain before the steed, and relate to some means of forestallment. 

Prevention isn't only the stylish, but frequently the only cure. 

This the gardener should always flashback. 

This subject of factory adversaries has not yet entered the attention of scientific investigators which other branches of horticulture have, and it is altogether kindly complicated. 

Before taking up the colorful insects and conditions the following analysis and list will enable the anthology to get a general appreciation of the whole matter. 

Plant enemies are of two kinds.

( 1) insects, and( 2) Diseases. 

The former are of two kinds,( a) insects that bite or eat the leaves or fruit;( b) insects that stink the authorities therefrom. 

The diseases are of two kinds.

( a) those which affect the attack of some fungus, or origin;( b) those which attack the whole organism of the plant and are nominated" indigenous." Concerning these ultimate, virtually nothing is known. 

It'll be seen at formerly, of course, that the remedy to be used must depend upon the nature of the adversary to be fought. 

We can thus reduce the matter to a simple bracket, as follows; 

plant Adversaries and Insects Class Eating 

a stinking 

b diseases Parasitical 

c indigenous 


Mechanical Number & Covered boxes. 

1 Collar. 

2 Cards. 

3 Destructive Hand- selecting. 

4 Kerosene conflation. 

5 Goliath- oil painting cleaner. 

6 Miscible canvases. 

7 Tobacco dust. 

8 Carbolic acid conflation. 

9 sharp sublimate. 

10 Bordeaux admixture. 

11 toxic Paris green. 

12 Arsenate of lead. 

13 Hellebore. 

14 It'll be of some backing, particularly as respect quick reference, to give the following table, which shows at regard the system of fighting any adversary, the presence of which is known or anticipated. 

While this may feel quite a redoubtable list, in practice numerous of these pests won't appear, and under ordinary circumstances. 

The following six remedies out of those mentioned will serve to keep them all in check if used in time. 

1. Covered boxes. 

2. hand-selecting. 

3. kerosene conflation.

4. tobacco dust.

5. Bordeaux admixture.

6. arsenate of lead.

Adversary| ATTACKING| CLASS| REMEDY --------------------|----------------------------|--------|------- Aphis( Plant- lice)| Cabbage and other shops,| b| | especially under glass|| Asparagus- beetle| Asparagus| a| 13, 12 Asparagus rust| Asparagus| c| 11 Black- spoilage| Cabbage and the cabbage| d| 10 group|| Borers| Squash| b| 4 Caterpillars| Cabbage group| a| 12, 14, 4 Caterpillars| Tomato| a| 4 Club- root| Cabbage group| c| see textbook Cucumber- beetle| Cucumber and vines| a| 1, 11, 8 ( Banded beetle)||| Cucumber- wilt| Cucumber and vines| c| 11 Cucumber- blight| Cucumber, muskmelon,| c| 11 | cabbage|| Cut- worm| Cabbage, tomato, onion| a| Flea- beetle| Potato, turnip, radish| a| 11, 5 Potato- beetle| Potato and egg- factory| a| 12, 13, 4

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