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There are more reasons today than ever ahead why the proprietor of a small place should have his, or her, own vegetable garden.

The days of home weaving, home rubbish-timber, and home meat quilting, are gone. 

With a thousand and one other effects that used to be made or done at home, they have left the domicile and followed the plant chimney stack. 

These effects could be turned over to the ministry. 

The growing of vegetables can not be so inclined. 

Garden tools have been bettered, but they are still the same old one-man affairs-- doing one thing, one row at a time. 

Labor is still the big factor-- and that, taken in combination with the cost of transporting and handling similar perishable stuff as theater yield, explains why, the home gardener can grow his vegetables at a lower expenditure than he can buy them, That's a good fact to flashback. But after all, I misdoubt if utmost of us will look at the matter only after consulting the columns of the ménage tally. 

The big thing, the salient point of home gardening isn't that we may get our vegetables ten percent. 

cheaper, but we can have them one hundred percent. better. 

Indeed the long-keeping feathers, like squash, potatoes, and onions, are veritably perceptibly more succulent right from the home garden, fresh from the vines or the ground; but when it comes to peas, sludge, and lettuce,-- well, there's absolutely nothing to compare with the home garden bones, gathered fresh, in the early slanting sun, still gemmed with dew, still crisp and tender and juicy, ready to carry every snippet of savory quality, without loss, to the dining table. 

Banal, flat and empty indeed, after these have formerly been tasted, feel the limp, trip-sick, fine effects that are jounced around to us in the botcher's wain and the grocery cart. 

It isn't in price alone that home gardening pays. 

There's another point the request gardener has to grow the effects that give the biggest yield. 

He has to immolate quality to volume. You do not. 

One can not buy Golden Bantam sludge, Mignonette lettuce, or Gradus peas at the utmost request. 

They're top quality, but they don't fill the request jalopy enough times to the row to pay the marketable farmer. 

If you can not go to keep a professional gardener there's only one way to have stylish vegetables-- grow your own! And this brings us to the third, and what may be the most important reason why you should garden. 

It's the cheapest, healthiest, keenest pleasure there is. 

Give me a sunny garden patch in the golden springtime, when the trees are picking out their new gowns, in all the color tones- colored delicate grays and flora-- strange how beautiful they are, in the same old unchanging styles, is not it?-- give me seeds to watch as they find the light, shops to tend as they take hold in the fine, loose, rich soil, and you may have the other sports. 

And when you have grown tired of their humdrum, come back in summer to indeed the Lowest garden, and you'll find in it, every day, a new problem to be answered, a new crusade to be carried out, a new palm to win. 

Better food, better health, better living-- all these the home garden offers you in a cornucopia. 

And the price is only the price of every worthwhile thing-- honest, cheerful casework. But enough for now of the dream garden. 

Put down your book. 

Put on your old togs, light your pipe-- some kind-hearted philanthropic should concoct for women such a kindly and comforting vice as smoking-- and let's go outside and look the place over, and pick out the stylish spot for that garden- a patch of yours.

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