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Way Of Cultivation Of Vegetables.


The purpose of cultivation is to stimulate growth by;

( 1) letting air into the soil and freeing untouchable factory food.

( 2) by conserving humidity. 

He also realizes, or should, that every day's growth means just so important available factory food stolen from under the true roots of his legal crops. 

rather than letting the weeds get down with any factory food, he should be furnishing more, for clean and frequent society won't only break the soil up mechanically, but let in air, humidity, and heat-- all essential in effecting those chemical changes necessary to convert non-available into available factory food. 

Long before the wisdom in the case was discovered, the soil growers had learned by observation the necessity of keeping the soil nicely loosened about their growing crops. Indeed the rangy and unlettered incidence saw to it that his squaw not only put a bad fish under the hill of sludge but plied her shell break over it. 

shops need to breathe. Their roots need air. 

You might as well anticipate finding the rosy radiance of happiness on the wan cheeks of a cotton shop child slave as to anticipate seeing the luxuriant dark herbage of healthy factory life in a suffocated theater. 

Important as the question of air is, that of, water, ranks beside it. You may not see at first what the matter of frequent culture has to do with water.

Take a strip of blotting paper, dip one end in water, and watch the humidity run uphill, soak up through the blotter. 

The scientists have labeled that" capillary magnet"-- the water crawls up little invisible tubes formed by the texture of the blotter. 

Now take an analogous piece, cut it across, hold the two cut edges explosively together, and try it again. 

The humidity refuses to cross the line the connection has been disassociated. In the same way, the water stored in the soil after a rain begins at formerly to escape again into the atmosphere. 

That on the face evaporates first, and that which has soaked in begins to soak in through the soil to the face. 

It's leaving your garden, through the millions of soil tubes, just as surely as if you had a two-inch pipe and a gasoline machine, pumping it into the gutter night and day! Save your garden by stopping waste. 

It's the easiest thing in the world to do-- cut the pipe in two. And the cutter to do it with is-- dust, 

By a frequent refinement of the face soil-- not further than one or two elevations deep for utmost small vegetables-- the soil tubes are kept broken, and a mulch of dust is maintained. 

Try to get over every part of your garden, especially where it isn't shadowed, formerly every ten days or two weeks. 

Does that feel like too important work? 

You can push your wheel breakthrough, and therefore keep the dust mulch as a constant protection, as presto as you can walk. However,  If you stay

for the weeds. will nearly have to crawl through, doing further or lower detriment by disturbing your growing shops, losing all the factory food( and they will take the cream) which they've consumed, and putting in further hours of infinitely further disagreeable work." A fissure in time saves nine!"  

Have your thread and needle ready beforehand! If I knew how to give less emphasis to this subject of thorough culture, I would be tempted to devote the rest of this chapter.  

However, there's only one thing left to move him-- experience, If the freshman at gardening has not been induced by the data given. 

Having given so important space to the reason, for constant care in this matter, the question of styles naturally follows. I also want to duplicate my former advice-- by all means, get a wheelhoe. 

The simplest feathers bring only multitudinous bones and won't only save you a bottomless quantum of time and work, but do the work more, truly much better than it can be done by hand. 

You can grow good vegetables, especially if your growing place is a truly small one, without one of these labor-saviors, but I can assure you that you'll noway lament the small investment necessary to land it. 

With a wheelhoe, the work of conserving the soil mulch becomes truly simple. 

However, for small areas truly fireworks can If one has not had a wheel hoe. be done with the conflict hoe. 

The matter of keeping weeds gutted out of the rows and between the shops in the rows isn't so snappily fulfilled. 

Where hand-work is necessary, let it be done at formerly. 

also are multitudinous practical suggestions that will reduce this work to a minimum,

( 1) Get at this work while the ground is soft; as soon as the soil begins to dry out after a rain is a voguish time. 

Under similar conditions, the weeds will pull out by the roots, without breaking off.

( 2) directly before weeding, go over the rows with a wheel hoe, cutting shallowly, The voguish tool for this purpose is the double wheel hoe with slice attachment or hoes for large shops. 

( 3) It's completely as important that the weeds just sprouting be destroyed, as that the larger bones be pulled up. 

One stroke of the weeder or the galettes will destroy a hundred weed seedlings in less time than one weed can be pulled out after it gets a good launch. 

4) Use one of the small hand-weeders until you come professed with it.

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