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When To Plant Vegetables?


The garden vegetables may be considered in three groups, in each of which the colorful kinds are given kindly identical treatment; 

The root crops: beets and carrots. 

The splint crops: cabbage and lettuce.

The fruit crops: melons and tomatoes. 

ROOT CROPS Under the first section we will consider Beet Carrot Kohlrabi Leek Onion Parsnip Potato Salsify Turnip Any of these may be sown in April, in drills( except potatoes) twelve to eighteen elevation piecemeal. 

The soil must be rich and finely worked so that the roots will be indeed smooth-- in poor or ill-set soil they're likely to be monstrous, or" strangling." 

They must be weakened out to the proper distances, which should be done still, hand-weeded as frequently as may be needed, if possible on a cloudy day. 

and given clean and frequent civilization. All, except leeks and potatoes, are given position culture. 

All will be greatly served, when about one-third grew, by a top dressing of nitrate of soda pop. 

Beets are stylish in rather light soil. 

Those for foremost use are started under glass( as described preliminarily) and set out six to seven elevation piecemeal in rows a bottom piecemeal. 

The first out-of-door sowing is made as soon as the soil is ready in spring and the seed should be put in thick, as not all will come through if bad rainfall is encountered. 

When lacing out, the small shops that are removed, covers, and roots cooked together, make succulent flora. 

The late crop, for fall and downtime use, sows the last part of June. 

For this crop, the larger kinds are used, and on rich soil will need six to eight elevations in the row and fifteen elevations between rows. Carrot,-- Carrots also like soil that's rather on the flaxen side, and on account of the depth to which the roots go, it should be deep and OK. 

The quality will be better if the soil isn't too rich. 

A many for redundant early use may be grown in the hothouses or frame. 

If radishes and carrots are sown together, in interspersing rows six elevations piecemeal, the former will be used by the time the carrots need the room, and in this way, a single 3 x 6ft. girdle will yield a good force for the home garden. 

The late crop is occasionally sown between rows of onions, skipping every third row, during June, and left to mature when the onions are gathered; but unless the ground is exceptionally free from weeds, the plan isn't likely to prove successful. 

Kohlrabi,-- While not truly a" root crop"-- the comestible portion being a peculiar spherical blowup of the stem-- its culture is analogous, as it may be sown in drills and weakened out. 

constantly, still, it's stated in the seedbed and scattered, the main crop ( for request) being sown in May or June. 

Many of these from time to time will prove veritably respectable for the home table. 

They should be used when relatively youthful; as small as two elevations being the tenderest. Leek,-- To attain its style the leek should be started in the seedbed, late in April, and scattered in late June, to the richest, heaviest soil available. 

Hill over from time to time to bleach the lower part of the stalk; or many choice samples may be had by fitting cardboard collars around the stem and drawing the earth up to these, not touching the stalk with earth. 

Onions,-- Onions for use in the green state are grown from white " sets," put out beforehand in April, three to four elevations piecemeal in rows twelve elevations piecemeal; or from seed sown the former fall and defended with rough ordure during the downtime. 

These will be succeeded by the crop from" prickers" or seedlings started under glass in January or February. 

As onions aren't scattered before going to the theater, sow directly in the soil rather than in apartments. 

It's safest to cover the bed with a one-half inch to inch of coarse beach and sow the seed in this. 

To get heavyset shops trim back doubly, taking off the upper half of leaves each time, and trim back the roots one-half to two-thirds at the time of setting out, which may be any time after the middle of April. These in turn will be succeeded by onions coming from the crop sown from seed in the open. 

The below is for onions eaten raw in the green state when lower than half is grown. For the main crop of bulbs, the home force is stylishly grown from prickers as described above. 

Prize-taker and Gibraltar are substantially used for this purpose, growing to the size of the large Spanish onions vended at grocery stores. 

For onions to be kept for late downtime and spring use, grow from seed, sowing outside as early as possible. 

No vegetable needs richer or further impeccably set soil than the onion, and special care must be taken no way to let the weeds get a launch. 

They're gathered after the covers dry down and wither when they should be pulled, put in broad rows for several days in the sun, and also spread out flat, not further than four elevations deep, undercover with an abundance of light and air.

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